
grieving after suicideIn grieving a loved one’s suicide, you may feel isolated, embarrassed, or wonder if others will judge. It can be difficult to get the support you need. Even when people want to help after a suicide, the standard answers may not seem to fit—so they remain silent instead. All of this makes grieving after suicide more complicated. So where do you go for help and support? You’ve come to the right place.

Questions may linger. How could this have happened? And why?

Or perhaps you’re haunted by the horror of the act—an actual memory of finding your loved one, or even an imagined scene—may keep you in a perpetual state of shock.

You may have fears. If your son or brother or daughter or spouse could wake up one day and take his or her own life, will someone else you’re close to do the same? Or maybe you worry that you’re at risk too.

In grieving after suicide, you may suffer guilt. Questions may plague you: Why didn’t I see this coming? What could I have done differently to prevent the death?

I know how it feels to need help and healing after a loved one’ suicide. While this site is in its infancy, in time, I hope to provide supportive resources for healing after suicide—and you can help.  Your answers to my survey can provide insight into the varied experiences of grief and eventual healing after suicide. If you’ve been touched by this tragedy, please take a few minutes to complete my confidential survey, The Impact of Suicide. In addition to potentially helping others going through this emotional trauma, you may find that sharing helps. Many who take the survey tell me they come away with more clarity, and sometimes even a greater sense of peace.